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Old 11-12-2017, 11:21 PM   #3096
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Mar 2008

Originally Posted by scotty2hotty View Post
Computer simulation theory explains everything
Originally Posted by MattyC View Post
Didn’t they recently discover/theorize that it’s impossible to be in a simulation because the computing power necessary to simulate the actions of tiny particles would make it larger than the universe itself or something like that. It was probably posted in here.
In the theory that a simulation is impossible, there is an assumption that the simulator would be working with the same rules as us and simulating everything equally. If the scale and physics of their universe are beyond ours or if they are only simulate things we look at, the problem is largely solved.

As a subscriber to the simulation theory you could ask why it took us 100 years to detect gravitational waves, and now we do it within days of turning on LIGO, maybe they still had to write the code, maybe protons, neutrons and electrons were single indivisible particles 150 years ago, but as we edge towards the nuclear age a layer of depth was added. Limiting a simulation to the extent of human observation at the scale of the world and expanding on it is a seamingly achievable task, setting boundries like the event horizon does allow for the possibility .

There are real problems I have with the computer simulation model;

#1) is it's cop-out, basically creating a new deity "there is a creator because I can't explain everything"

#2) it relies on the non existent perfect universe paradox, basically people have confused cause and effect, we evolved to suit the conditions of our world, and had things been different either we would be different or we wouldn't be here to ask the question.

#3) it just doesn't pass the Occams Razor smell test for me, are we observing reality or is the world the elaborate design of some geek in his moms basement?

#4) Why is the universe so big, they could have put the event horizon much much closer, maybe universe needs to be this big, you need to get to 3 generation stars before life is possible, But it seams like the creator of a universe could make it smaller if the point was to simulate us.

#5) Where are the Aliens, If the point of simulating the universe is physics the detail of life seams like a waste of resources making us a paradox. If the purpose is to study life than there should be life at every opportunity, just for efficiency sake. It should be very easy to find other examples of life.
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