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Old 11-06-2017, 12:38 PM   #71
Lifetime Suspension
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Originally Posted by SebC View Post
I'm actually completely serious. The kind of thinking that says "we can't have cleavage in a PGT, lest someone get offended" is the same kind of thinking that says that we can't have cleavage in public for the same reason. It's the kind of thinking that gets girls sent home from schools for being a distraction. It's the kind of thinking that shames breastfeeding mothers. It's a bad way of thinking, and it needs to be nipped at the bud.


This would ring less hollow if the content wasn't being removed by the moderators.
You're talking about a completely different issue. The problem isn't cleavage, we see that everyday.

First, it's NSFW. Literally a concept used all over the internet. Don't post something that you wouldn't want your boss to see or anyone who would be passing your screen.

Secondly, would you post a picture of your mom in a bikini or half dressed outfit in an unrelated thread about a Flames win? I'm sure your loved ones do wear that type of clothing and that's totally fine. Objectifying them isn't.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the issues you are fabricating. Children being sent home from school for dressing provocatively is bad but that's not what we are discussing and a totally different topic.
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