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Old 10-27-2017, 09:22 PM   #3065
First Line Centre
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Location: Dead Rear, AB

Originally Posted by Snuffleupagus View Post
Mystery object may be our first visitor from another solar system. Scientists believe it's from interstellar space because it had no close approach by one of the large planets to sling it into our inner solar system, it's estimated to be about 1200 ft in size and not a comet. Mother-ship?
A) How did none of the orbiting telescopes take pictures of the object?

B) How far off are we from having a system where small drones can be sent out from the ISS or an unmanned satellite that’s purpose is when an object comes within reach, we can launch said drones to intercept and retrieve data?

C) I’m blown away this is being hailed as “first space rock known to come from elsewhere in the galaxy.”. I mean, given the vastness and unpredictability of space, is this really the FIRST large rock to wander through our solar system since we’ve been able to track them more efficiently from somewhere else?! I would’ve thought this happens far more often.
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