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Old 10-11-2017, 12:02 PM   #456
Dances with Wolves
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Originally Posted by afc wimbledon View Post
Save your money then, buy a decent instant read thermometer, cook your meat to the safe minimal temp and then let it relax for 5 minutes after you pull it out, it will taste as good as anything you can cook for 10 hours in a slow cooker
This is true for certain items, but untrue for others. Getting a chicken breast or a salmon filet evenly cooked is a pain in the ass on account of the varying thicknesses. You can pound a chicken breast but salmon is a bit trickier that way. Even if you do cook a hell of a chicken breast, you won't be able to hold the meat at 150 degrees long enough to kill the bacteria, so you'll have to cook to 165. After trying chicken at 150, you might as well go vegetarian than every having it at 165 again. It's an offence to the bird that has offered you so much.

You also won't be able to hold a roast at medium rare for 12 hours, so softening up a sirloin to the point it's tender like prime rib is nearly impossible.

There are times when it's better, times when it's worse, and times when it's pretty negligible. To say you can do everything in a pan as good as sous vide is incorrect though.
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