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Old 10-02-2017, 08:51 AM   #36
afc wimbledon
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Originally Posted by Kjesse View Post
This would have taken a fair amount of planning, including making sure to get a hotel room overlooking the concert area. I wonder how far in advance he booked.

You'd think taking 10 guns into a hotel room would be noticed and raise some eyebrows. Although I suppose he could say something like, he was a dealer.

That many people packed in so tightly makes them very easy targets. Just horrible. This was designed to inflict the maximum deaths in the shortest time.

Las Vegas of all places, it will never be the same.
I'm not sure it took that much planning, you are assuming the concert was his specific target, an idiot like this may well have just planned on shooting whoever he happened to see and the concert in the car park was a terrible coincidence.

The problem with the US is crap like this takes very little planning in truth, the guns can be purchased in one trip to the gun shop, although if they have been modded to full auto that takes knowing where to go online to buy the parts, not hard to track down though, and a modicum of dexterity and access to you tube in order to work out how to change the firing mechanism over.
Of course their are plenty of you tube videos that will show you how to fire your AR15 in such a way as to effectively make it fully auto without a mod, using the guns recoil to bounce it in your hand and cause the trigger to hit your finger etc
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