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Old 09-25-2017, 02:28 PM   #2558
I believe in the Jays.
Join Date: Apr 2009

Originally Posted by Bingo View Post
But I would think claiming to be a revenue sharing recipient for the first time in x # of years would be a dangerous fib.
Why would it be dangerous? Who, that King couldn't credibly claim wasn't misinformed, would be able to refute that? and why would they?

If he were proved to be fibbing what are the consequences? Does he go to jail? No, Does he get fired? Why would they fire him if they're making money (important thing to remember... even if he's telling the whole truth all that would mean was that it was the first time in years they weren't top 10 in revenue, cry me a river... considering how often they drafted top 10 in those x # of years)? cost to his credibility? That all his other half truths and fabrications didn't already drain?

If the Flames want to try and cry poverty they can go ahead and do that... show the public your audited books before asking for a public bailout (and maybe don't have the guy responsible for producing that outcome, AKA the President of the Company, be the one asking for it). Seriously, if Ken King is claiming poverty on behalf of the Flames AFAIK he's saying "look at what a bad job I'm doing".
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