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Old 09-13-2017, 11:10 AM   #993
Lord Carnage
Scoring Winger
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Join Date: Mar 2004

Originally Posted by calf View Post
Doesn't that prove the point? An arena is a bad investment for both sides. The team can't make it work without "free" government money. The city can't make it work without some sort of return or payback on their investment. There's a reason people aren't investing in these things other than governments that have been "held hostage". They don't make much financial sense at all for both sides.

I think I agree with you in that it proves the following:
- neither side would want to do this on their own and lose all the money themselves.

They need to do this together, in some sort of realistic partnership agreement, or need to accept that the Flames will "eventually" have to be sold/leave town.
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