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Old 09-13-2017, 10:12 AM   #947
Franchise Player
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Virginia

Originally Posted by EldrickOnIce View Post
Except there is tangible value, direct economic and indirect. The question is, how much (or perhaps how little is a better way to put it) - but certainly value. The argument that there is zero value is every bit as bad as the ones suggesting there is significant value.
We've had one zero value guy who keeps telling people who assign more than zero value are stupid put into timeout today. That helps
Can you provide some evidence there is some value? This study suggested it was a negative value:
Economists say the biggest reason sports teams don’t have much impact is that they don’t tend to spur new spending. Most people have a limited entertainment budget, so the dollars they are spending when they go to a game is money they would have spent elsewhere, maybe even at a restaurant or small businesses where more money would have stayed in the community. Plus, Matheson says, rather than draw people to a neighborhood, games can actually repel them.

“Sporting events can cause significant crowds and congestion that can cause people to stop going to other events in the area,” he says.

That’s part of the reason why a 2003 analysis on Staples Center commissioned by the Los Angeles City Controller included a surprising finding.

“Economic activity in Inglewood actually increased when the Lakers left town,” says Matheson.

That is, sales tax revenue went up when the Lakers and Kings moved to Staples Center in 1999.
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