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Old 08-23-2017, 03:19 PM   #25
One of the Nine
Join Date: Dec 2004

Originally Posted by OMG!WTF! View Post
As a bit of a trailer connoisseur myself, I think this really sucks...

10k is, I'm sure, fair for some of the junker trailers. But I'm just as sure it is piddly compensation for others, especially when, for example, someone's trailer is assessed at 66k and that person has been paying property taxes based on that amount. And literally none of that person's money went towards fixing the infrastructure that is now failing them. And further more, the original promise was to move the park to a new city property. You can't sell these trailers, can't move some of them, and can't even get rid of them without a relatively large cost. Anyone else whose property gets purchased by the city gets tax assessed value plus.

My last job was actually trailer park supervisor at a really old park in the city. The infrastructure was always failing but as long as the cable stayed on people were happy. And it was always very cost effective to fix the problems and continue collecting lot rents.

I agree that, in this case, the city's offer is a total rip off. "Working with the city" shouldn't mean absorbing a 40k loss and living in a homeless shelter....for free.
Really? Were you part of the International Association of Trailer Parks, Trailer Park Supervisors, and Assistant Trailer Park Supervisors (IATPTPSATPS)?
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