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Old 08-22-2017, 12:25 AM   #236
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Originally Posted by Corral View Post
recently watched TFA for the second time, and enjoyed it much more this time over when i saw it in the theatre. Expectations lower - Han's jokes seemed funnier and Rey was a better character than i remember. looking forward to episode VIII

However still i think Rogue One was a better movie overall in the star wars saga. The single biggest knock on TFA for me is that Kylo Ren is the son of Solo and Leia. Ren himself as a character is good - but his background? I still can't fathom how writers couldn't come up with something better than that for a reboot of the villain.
Its kind of funny because if the villain is a reboot, it almost feels like a reboot from the Legends EU.

Leia and Han's oldest son is named Jacen Solo, he's the oldest of three Solo Children, a daughter named Jaina and a dead son named Anakin. they are cousins to Luke's son Ben.

In TFA Ben is seduced by a ancient force user that seemed to know Vader from his empire days.

The New Order that Ben is a leader of a group that see's The Republic as corrupt and that the Galaxy needs a firm hand to keep order which will ensure peace.

In Legacy of the Force Jacen is seduced by a former Force Strong Assassin of Vaders named Lumiya who is a disfigured part human cyborg who is strong in the force to the point of naming herself as a Dark Lady of the Sith. She convinces Jacen that only through the Dark Side of the Force can he become the new Emperor of the Galaxy and bring generations of peace, order and stability through a iron will.

In TFA Ben kills his father with a light saber through the guts. He does this as he feels he needs to sacrifice his father to cement himself to the Dark Side of the Force.

In Legacy of the Force, Jacen opens fire on the Falcon in an attempt to kill his father and mother who he see's as a necessary sacrifice to cement himself to the Dark Side of the Force and gain more power.

So the next thing that needs to happen.

In Legacy of the Force, Jacen arranges for the betrayal and murder of the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance so he can step in as the ruler of the Alliance. Jacen also sacrifices Lumiya to become the Dark Lord of the Sith.

So if Ben/Kylo betrays and murders Snoke to become the new Supreme Leader we have identical paths.
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