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Old 08-17-2017, 08:48 AM   #1018
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by nfotiu View Post
I haven't noticed that around here, but we do get FW beers so I'll keep an eye out for ti.

So, today, Treehouse sold out 2000 cases (of 24 cans) between around noon and 7 on a regular Wednesday release of regular rotation IPAs. The limits were 7 cans each of 2 brands (alter ego and Haze).

Incredibly, 4500 people went through the brewery today and spent over $200k.
I had no idea about the demand at Treehouse until a friend told me about how crazy it can be. Like many, Julius at the top of my beer bucket list, but getting a hold of it sounds damn tough. In contrast, Im pretty sure just showing up at a brewery like Russian River would guarantee you a chance to at least try or buy Pliny the Elder, but not that case with Julius at Treehouse. Mind you, Im pretty sure Russian River distributes across the western United States now, lowering demand. Pliny also been around a long time now.

Last edited by Flabbibulin; 08-17-2017 at 08:53 AM.
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