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Old 08-04-2017, 11:19 PM   #88
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Jan 2010

Originally Posted by GGG View Post
Were yo disappointed when you filled up early in July 2016 and Aug 2016 and the price continued to drop or do you only count your wins?

Your annedotal observation are more convincing for you than 5 years of data so I won't bother continuing the discussion it's like discussing the link between vaccination and autism with an anti-vaxxer.
Boy I'm sure glad your argument to try and fire me up is based on 2 events. Shucks I'm grateful for big oil for giving me a break those 2 times. Please, take my money in your thinly veiled attempts at educating people on supply and demand economics, I'm learning my lesson sir, yes sir.

Your denial of the obvious and defending it with nothing but your single study is an equally laughable argument to my "anecdote". Who commissioned and funded that study? Statistics can be manipulated in any which direction you want to suit your argument, so clearly your eyes must be lying when you drive past the gas station before a holiday weekend and see that overnight increase in excess of normal fluctuation, right? Of course there are price increases in "non holiday" weeks, but are they to the degree that holiday weeks are. And, if you're a true statistician or research buff, you should also know that one singular study does not make a conclusive argument (see my comment on who commissions it, etc), and frankly there just aren't any more out there.
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