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Old 07-23-2017, 12:16 PM   #599
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Seattle, WA

Originally Posted by Sr. Mints View Post
I've been with Freedom for about six months now. But I'm bailing next week (tomorrow if I can be arsed to go to a shopping mall.) The $37 (x2) I pay is just not worth it.

1.) No data when I'm outside of Calgary. Now I knew that going in, but was surprised I didn't have data in Airdrie or Okotoks, and to a lesser extent Nanton, Strathmore, Banff, Canmore. I didn't think it would bother me, but for the dozen or-so times I've been out of town and not had internet, it's maddening.

2.) Spotty internet downtown, or in a mall. Or sometimes even a Costco. Why? is this a ####ing issue, Shaw?

3.) Constantly disconnected when I'm on the move. Forget surfing the web when you're on the C-train or passenger in a car. Even driving down 16th Ave. where you're going 20km/hr and there's a light every 50 feet: disconnected. Again, maddening.

I've never had a problem with cellular reception, but as my life revolves around the internet these days, Freedom is no good for me.
Clearly, you didn't do your homework.
It's only game. Why you heff to be mad?
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