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Old 07-20-2017, 07:52 PM   #2015
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Thunder Bay Ontario

I think I disagree with a lot of what you said. It doesn't happen all the time but there are a lot of trades where a quality player is dealt for spare parts.

The Avs dont' need to get better now, you just said that even if they improve they're still garbage. They need to build a winner not try to "win now" (I know you're not saying they need to win now but improving now is pretty much the same).

The avs are the oilers of a few years ago, they either need to win a lottery and get a star or cut bait with a lot of their current guys and start from scratch.

Stajan to the pens for something, that something + a bunch of prospects and maybe even Kulak to the avs for Duchene
Fan of the Flames, where being OK has become OK.
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