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Old 07-20-2017, 02:49 PM   #348
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Join Date: Jun 2002

It says a lot that I'm looking forward to the Orville more then this series.

I'll let it sell itself to me and watch the first few episodes, but It just seems that there's been successive bad Star Trek moments outweighing the good ones.

Since the end of the TOS Movies


first contact - more meh then good or great
Deep Space 9 - great TV series and a reboot in a way that the galaxy and humanity weren't always good. I rank it over Generations because the Dominion War was just so incredibly well done.
Some of Next Generation - I wasn't a huge fan of the show in its entirety but they would get things right and when they did it was good

The bad

Star Trek - Generations - not a good movie to kick off TNG movies.
Star Trek - Insurrection - awful movie, badly acted, mind numbingly stupid, it doesn't get worse then this
Star Trek - Nemesis - scratch what I said above, it did get worse. The movie that almost killed Tom Hardy's career before it started
Star Trek - Voyager - awful, it was a complete train wreck of a series that took everything good on Star Trek and then pooped on it. Really turned up the whole techno BS problem solving. The characters were just not that interesting, and it was tough to care whether or not this crew got home
Star Trek - Enterprise - Had such incredible potential, and sometimes they really delivered. The mirror universe storyline was really well done, the last season was pretty strong except the final episode was outright embarrassing with a Fat Will Riker as the main character. The first season was really boring as well.
Star Trek - Into darkness - Made the biggest mistake of rebooting an iconic villain and it failed, in fact the whole movie was flat and unimaginative

Star Trek - It was interesting to see new actors playing old characters. But the villain didn't really standout, it was a good attempt at doing something incredibly difficult
Star Trek Beyond - I thought it was ok, They struggled again with the villain an Star Fleet hero gone banana.
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