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Old 06-20-2017, 11:20 AM   #3373
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Originally Posted by PepsiFree View Post
Suppose it's in how you do it. Hunting hasn't vanished in places with exceedingly low levels of gun violence.

Gang bangers my not by them by legal means, but they come by them because they're available. Making handguns and automatic weapons unavailable would impact gang bangers more than hunters by an extreme margin, it just might take a while.
I think that I fundamentally disagree with your argument. Just by their core nature and even their mission statement. These gangs would very quickly move into the illegal gun trade even heavier if legal gun sales were outlawed.

Guns and ammunition sales out of stores in the US is a $3.1 billion dollar business with a $500 million dollar profit. There were also 21 million firearms background checks performed in the US in 2014. These figures don't include untrackable firearms markets.

If a vacuum is created by making fire arms illegal, someone will step in to fill that need, America's gun obsession will demand it. The irony would be that people would be buying guns from criminal organizations to protect their own homes from criminals. Just let that little bit of irony sink in for a second.
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