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Old 06-20-2017, 10:58 AM   #3366
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Join Date: Jul 2015

Originally Posted by CorsiHockeyLeague View Post
He said: "I don't care any more if a 6 year old year gets accidentally shot or a 16 year old gets shot in a drug deal". That is a moral judgment that treats the two deaths as equivalent.

I don't think I've misrepresented his view in any way here - in fact he's subsequently repeatedly doubled down on the view that there is no distinction among the individual cases and no further information or detail (which he's tried to characterize as "spin") is relevant:
Yeah, you fundamentally misunderstand the point. 1300 kids are dead. I'm not arguing there is no moral difference, or that there is a difference of agency, I'm arguing that those differences are irrelevant when looking at the problem:

1300 kids dead, 100% due to American gun culture and ease of access. Whether a gang banger or a kindergartener, they both gain access to guns in a way that is far easier than it should be and exist in a culture that celebrates that access instead of condemns it.

I don't care if the 1300 is 1300 infants or 1300 17 year old neo-nazis, 1300 kids is an accurate number, right? 0-17, they're kids, yes? And 1300 died from gun violence, yes? Sounds like a pretty straightforward and meaningful statistic to me.

If anything, it seems like stricter gun control would actually stem gun violence from low-level gang bangers a lot more effectively than it would from little Sara shooting her brother in the head with Dad's legally acquired hunting rifle.
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