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Old 05-17-2017, 04:20 PM   #255
Enoch Root
Franchise Player
Join Date: May 2012

Originally Posted by peter12 View Post
You have been proven wrong, called out, and dismissed how many times now? Yes, interest rates were higher in the 1980s. Yes, there were some bad years in oil & gas in Calgary during that same time. No one is saying that 30 years ago was paradise, and that this is hell. All anyone is saying is that structurally things have come together to make it very hard for people of a certain age to go down the same path to the middle class than it was for their parents.
Where have I been proven wrong?

You whine that things are harder now than ever before. I make a statement illustrating that things have been bad or worse in other periods. You don't believe me and say things are harder now than ever before - because! I present more examples. You get madder. And around it goes.

The only thing you have proven to me is that you are irrationally emotional about this subject.
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