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Old 04-21-2017, 02:12 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by robaur View Post
Why's JG playing at the worlds? He should be hitting the gym.
You know that most players for the first few weeks after the season is over are completely exhausted and even if they don't have a major injury will spend time working on heeling minor injuries like sprains and bumps and buises. From reading some stuff, most players might go to the gym in the first few weeks of the off season just to maintain and stretch. But they're catching up with their families, doing normal person stuff and trying to rest and relax.

Most players don't start hitting it hard in terms of training until the start of summer.

Right now until probably the end of playoffs or more, they're not going to so super nuts. Their workouts will be far more then what ordinary humans are, but they're trying to maintain and heel.
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