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Old 04-13-2017, 09:13 AM   #5443
Franchise Player
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: 55...Can you see us now?

Some ratings from fanboy David Staples. Connor got a 3/10, Maroon, Russell, Gryba, and Nurse all got 2/10. Desharnais got a 1/10 and a note to file about a Chiapet "gamble that has failed to pay off". At the other end of the scale, the tenderness got a 7 and Talbot got an 8/10.

In case you wonder why Ryan Nothing Happens got a 7, it was because he actually didn't get onto the ice as McLellan used other players instead and was "fresh".

Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, 7. Did outstanding work on the penalty kill and was one of the few Oilers who seemed keen to take the puck and try to make a play. In the third period when a four-on-four situation developed, he was fresh and I expected to see him and Jordan Eberle out there, but Oilers coach Todd McLellan seemed to want to play it cautious. McLellan put out Drake Caggiula and Mark Letestu instead. I like Letestu fine, but not four-on-four where his lack of speed is an issue, and I also didn’t like the coach treating that moment as if the Oilers needed to kill off that time, instead of attack then
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