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Old 04-10-2017, 10:36 PM   #107
#1 Goaltender
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Thanks everyone! It really was a surreal experience. And what a whirl wind of a few days it's been. We got to the hospital around 3 to be induced and were sent home until she got contractions. Well we ended up staying near the hospital and had dinner and that's where her contractions started.

Lucky we were close, and when i got her the wheelchair her water broke. We were wheeled off into a room where we had an awesome nurse. We were the for about 5 hours, and they kept monitoring baby. Her heart rate would continuously dip every time she had a contraction so they were watching it very closely.

My wife ended up with an epidural (highly recommended) and the contraction pain was gone. The dr called in the obgyn and she did some tests and felt we needed to do a c+section... Like right then and there. From the time we said c-section, we were in the OR in about 3-5 minutes.

Seeing my wife getting a c-section made me very glad I'm not a woman. She had intense shakes, fevers, acid reflux (did I mention we ate right before this? Don't do this) and had a hard time to breathe. While they had a curtain up so we couldn't see anything, I could see the resident pushing very hard on her.

And out came the baby! Wasn't breathing at first but got out the mucus and she turned out all right! 7 pounds 11 ounces!

Got wheeled into the room and we probably slept about 20 minutes total trying to get our baby girl to feed. Eventually in the morning I asked for formula and she fell asleep instantly for 2 hours. We still want to breast feed but we will supplement when needed. But next time I would just go tlstraight to the formula to give us some much needed rest after a long stressful day. These last 24 hours, we had about 3 hours of sleep. So I'm holding my baby texting this on my phone while my wife is getting some much needed sleep.

I just want to say I loved changing her diapers and helping my wife eat and feed. It's such a surreal experience and the few times I felt I could be useful.

I quickly glanced through the comments and they seem very helpful and will go through them more when we have the time. Much appreciated everyone! And good luck to all the soon to be parents out there!
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