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Old 03-24-2017, 04:28 PM   #6967
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Victoria, BC

Spin away GOP. This bill's failure is on Trump and the Republicans, not on Dems. The Republicans control the White House and Congress. They couldn't get it done. They failed hard. Trump is a loser and a terrible leader. True solid leadership isn't laying the blame game for something you own. Leadership means working hard to get something meaningful done that represents the interests of the American people - not kicking 24 million people off insurance and rewarding the rich - they drafted up an utter piece of garbage. True leadership also means taking responsibility and accountability for this huge failure instead of blaming the other side. But with Trump, being delusional and a coward is what's expected.

It's not a win for Trump. It just gets added to his inventory pile of being a very weak President.
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