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Old 03-22-2017, 11:06 AM   #1
In the Sin Bin
Join Date: Aug 2012
Default Puck Over The Glass Rule...

To continue the discussion from yesterdays Game Thread, what are your thoughts on the puck over the glass, delay of game rule?

Personally I'm a fan and I was shocked to see so many people against it. I don't really see a viable alternative, especially with people complaining about the lack of scoring lately.

What could the NHL do?

A) Scrap it completely and return to the days of players shooting the puck out of play any time they were hemmed in their zone.

B) Turn it into something similar to icing where you can't change and it's a face off in your zone.

C) Make it discretionary so that the refs could decide if it's accidental or intentional and only intentional incidents would count as a delay of game penalty.

D) Leave it as is.

Personally, I think A) is out of the question. The rule has definitely helped the flow of the game and getting rid of it would be as big of a step backwards as getting rid of touch up offside. I also do not like giving the refs any more decision making power than they have so I'd say no to C), if there is a rule it should definitely be as black and white as possible.

That leaves B) and D). I think the problem with B) is that it's very easy to just fire the puck up out of play when you're in trouble. At least to ice the puck you have to get it past all of the players on the ice and that can prove to be difficult when you're tired. There's no way of defending the glass and I don't think not being able to change is a big enough deterrent when a team is in trouble in their own zone so I think you would see a massive spike in players just shooting it out any time they get stranded on the ice.

Another problem with option B) is what do you do about the rule on the PK? Such a comparatively easy way of getting a whistle compared to clearing the zone, I think it would quickly become a part of every teams PK strategy.

So yeah, like I said, I like rule and would leave it as is. Gives incentive for the players to keep the flow of the game going and it increases scoring chances (even if it's marginal) by making it tougher for tired teams to clear the zone and by increasing penalties. There was a thread on HFBoards that was also overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the rule as is.

Maybe the mods could add a poll?
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