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Old 03-20-2017, 09:49 AM   #123
Franchise Player
Join Date: Oct 2005

So the wheel of NHL justice will get spun again.

Do we need more player safety people because for all the slashes and hacks and lumberjacks that have played us this year and been successful in injuring and targeting our skilled players someone needs to remind the league about Johnny.

If I were Tkachuk I'd have Burke walk in just to observe the meeting just so whatever gets handed down he reminds them.

So much disrespectful stuff amongst the players happens and guys just pile on.

The good old days they settled it by dropping the gloves and now we have all these arm chair apologists and expert analysts and blah blah.

The next games against the kings are going to be interesting and I hope the league realises it when guys are running Tkachuk all game without incident.

I really believe they make these situations worse by making such a stink and yet we lost our best player to injury for several games and then there was an after effect when Johnny came back.

The NHL needs to wake up....The retaliation that's going to ensue as a result will have allot of people doing 180's from the stances they are taking right now calling Matty a dirty player.

Doughty or whoever on the kings better be real careful when Ferlund is back next game.
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