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Old 03-14-2017, 01:36 PM   #3629
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Vernon, BC

I don't want to derail this thread, but I think that this is a good place to ask my question.

I am looking for some advice on becoming an operator at a production facility. My work history has been mostly on the labor side, in seismic exploration, production drilling, and most recently well servicing. In 2013 I decided to pursue some education and eventually settled on a math degree which I am currently working on at Athabasca University. I am about two years away from completing it, and I am also working full time right now as a professional driver.

I've taken a few chemistry and physics courses as well, and I really enjoy it. A friend of mine was telling me about what operators do and it really captured my interest, mainly because it's a good mix of my work history but also more technical and overall more interesting and gives me a better chance to apply some of my new-found knowledge!

My question is, how does someone get into it? Is now just a bad time? I've seen a few postings on some larger companies websites such as cenovus, but most require a few years of experience. I also realize that a power engineering certificate is often required, but not always. My friend was telling me that companies will often train operators themselves, so that is what I am trying to find. What is a good way to search for openings and obtain some good contacts?

Anyways, any advice is appreciated, thanks!
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