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Old 01-31-2017, 09:54 PM   #266
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Originally Posted by OutOfTheCube View Post
The only thing I didn't like about the last two seasons was how they just butchered Gul Dukat. He was so cool and sinister for the whole series and then his storylines went completely ridiculous. To the point of becoming a fake Bajoran and starting a fake romance with Kai Wynn to read an evil book and release the Pah Wraiths and... sigh.

Fortunately, Weyoun emerged and was an awesome villain.
I've been rewatching the Waltz and Pale Moonlight is still the best episode of the series, but the Waltz where Sisko gets stranded on a planet with Dukat on his way to his war trial was amazing and incredible.

He was basically driven insane by his choices in the past, he believed himself to be a hero but reconciled himself to the idea that he was irredeemable and evil and it was time to become that.

Amazing episode.

The episode where Sisko is a magazine writer and we get the theory that this entire series was a story that he was written was so well done.
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