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Old 11-25-2016, 01:04 PM   #238
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Originally Posted by CaptainCrunch View Post
Looks like Justin is just as secretive and restrictive as Harper is, especially when it comes to the boondoogle he's creating with the F-35 file

Trust me when I say that the purchase of the Superhornets is going to go bad. The promise of the so called $61 million per plane flyaway is probably going to double or triple based around the Kuwaiti purchase and the Austrailia stop gap purchase.

With Australia the flyaway price came out to about $125 million US per plane. With Kuwaiti the figure can closer to $300 million per plane. Now to be fair there were some growler varients included in the purchase for both nations, something that Canada won't be doing.

But the whole open and honest government that Trudeau was promising is rapidly going out the window and even though DND has promised a so called open competition for the next generation Canadian Fighter, the feeling is that its going to be an unfair competition where the deck is heavily stacked against the F-35 and this gag order is the first step to that end.
How do you know we won't be getting super bugs prewired to be modified to growlers down the road? I fully agree with you about Trudeau and his muzzling of those on the fighter portfolio. Pretty disgusting. But I wouldn't count the F35 out yet. By the time 5 years rolls around the Eurofighter and Rafale will likely be out of production, leaving only the F35, Saab Gripen or Super Hornet as a replacement. Unless of course some new fighter comes along.
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