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Old 10-06-2016, 10:06 PM   #1
First round-bust
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: speculating about AHL players
Thumbs down Trials and Tribulations of Yahoo! Customer Support

So, I'm having this issue with Yahoo! that isn't allowing me to sign into my account at all -- I'm without email and my Fantasy Football team. They seem to have deactivated my account, for no good reason whatsoever.

Other, sane companies like Microsoft and Apple allow 24/7 live chats to figure out solutions to issues. Most companies post a hotline you can call to speak to a live representative. Pretty much every single company allows you to email them to figure out a solution.

But no, Yahoo! is not a Microsoft or an Apple. Yahoo! doesn't believe in hotlines or live chats. They don't even let you email them. Instead, you have to go to this abhorrent website -- -- and post your problems for Yahoo! staff to investigate. One problem: there are approximately two moderators for the hundreds of questions posted daily, and one of the said moderators hasn't posted in four months.

Yahoo!'s customer support is inexcusably awful. First, they've gone and randomly deactivated my very active account, and now they refuse to listen to my pleas to get it back. They're ignoring my Tweets, and they won't give me a phone number to call or an email address to contact.

What should I do, you guys? This is a big issue for me, but no one seems to know an answer. How have you faced similar customer support issues in the past? Should I call their Corporate HQ? Send a dozen more Tweets?
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