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Old 06-10-2016, 11:40 PM   #1336
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You bring up some good points, but I believe you're selling Anakin short.

In PM, Qui-Gon bought up with his mother that he had unnatural reflexes, and it was due to him using the force, he was literally seeing ahead of time and reacting to it.

When he flew the fighter, he wasn't touched in a pretty overwhelming battle, also in the book which is still canon they talk about him flying into the Trade Federation Ship and not by instinct but by the force telling him, he fired on the reactor basically that was out of sight crippling the ship.

In ROTS when Dooku was preparing to fight Anakin and Obi-Wan he was wondering why they were bothering with this charade, he felt that Anakin was below notice, however when he started fighting Anakin he saw two things through the force. His Force image or what he looked like was a massive storm (Palpatine was like an event horizon, and Obi's was like a calm sunny meadow) and when he fought Anakin he realized that the boy was a natural force user, he just knew how to draw on the Force.

In the book PM, Anakin was sent to the desert to get some droid parts by Watto, halfway back he came across a wounded Tusken Raider. He was set upon by other Raiders and through the force calmed them down so they wouldn't attack him.

In terms of natural users, I really wish they wouldn't have removed some books from Canon. The Darth Plagueis book showed the unbelievable power of Palpatine. He murdered his parents through the force before he was trained by basically tearing them apart with the Force. Also when he first met Plagueis he threw up a Force barrier so powerful that the Dark Lord of the Sith didn't even realize that he was force sensitive. Also in the end, it turned out that through a lot of brilliance and through the use of the force he had played Plagueis like an idiot for about 30 years.

You are completely correct about a few things that I didn't even think about, the lightsaber pull being foremost. She pulled that thing a massive distance with authority, whereas Luke had trouble pulling his saber to him and it was feet away.

Also in favor of the Palpatine theory is that the biggest power that Palpatine had was his ability to view the currents of the force, he could envision the future and multiple futures and that's why he was the great tactician that he was, however I'm convinced that the Force did turn on him in the end and denied him a lot of his forethought.

I'm not sure if Rey's vision is as much a memory more then anything else bought on by touching Luke's lightsaber.

But overall, I do agree, she is very powerful, she has a lot of things that scream darkside going for her as well, and I do think that will be the whole story of this trilogy is Rey's struggle with her darker side. They took Han Solo away and she really reacted out of Grief and rage and a desire for revenge. Who else can they take from her? To me the obvious thing if they're going to move the Star Wars universe away from the older generation is Luke himself, and that will be in my mind the temptation of the fall.

I just have this funny story in my head that Luke trains Rey, and somewhere along the line she and Luke confront Kylo and Snoke. Snoke kills Luke which shows how powerful he is, and Rey goes on a rampage sliding to the Dark Side, but not to join Snoke and Kylo but to kill them, her justification is to bring her version of peace to the galaxy and gain revenge for Luke's death. In the end the redeeming moment comes with Snoke dead, and Kylo on his knees pleading for his life and mercy and Rey has to decide to take the final steps down the path to complete darkness or let go of her fear, anger and hatred and redeem herself.
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