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Old 06-10-2016, 12:32 PM   #1333
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Originally Posted by AcGold View Post
That is fairly believable that she is the grand daughter of Palpatine, the fight choreography being the most evident. Actually it would make the most sense of all and bring things together better than if she is Lukes daughter. She'll be tempted to kill Luke but betray the dark side (hopefully).

She's also going to become a leader or a general or something. Her affinity to learning force powers is unmatched as far as I've seen. She figured things out in minutes that took Luke days, weeks or months. She has intuitive powers and learns much faster than Anakin ever did. She seems exponentially more powerful than any of them asides from Palpatine and Yoda.
What you said makes me feel like she's similar to Anakin in that she's a some kind of predestined creation via the Force. She can still have a mom and dad, but maybe the force choose her.

It would explain her ability to pick up the force so quickly and use it so effectively.

I guess part of me is that I really don't want her to be a Skywalker or a Cos Palpatine. (The thought of the whole seduction scene between Palpatine and some drunken girl where he shows her his deep fried and cooked sithballs Is cringeworthy)

I do go back to the scene where Snoke says, there has been an awakening have you felt it? Makes me really think that Rey is a physical manifestation of the Force, neither dark nor light.

The other theory that I really liked goes back to the celestrials in TCW series where you had the father as the balance of the force containing the dark (Son) and the Light (Daughter). At the end all three of them died and left the force in chaos. What if Rey is a new Celestial? a being of pure Force strength and power not dark, not light and perfectly balanced?
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