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Old 04-05-2016, 07:44 AM   #63
First Line Centre
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I didn't think it was near as bad an episode that a lot of others people thought it was, but it definitely wasn't the finale I was expecting. I mean, we haven't had a main character death (I mean main character in the sense of the first couple seasons) since...Andrea or Beth? I didn't care at all when Andrea died and while Beth's death was shocking, I wasn't too upset about that either. This show needs to deliver on things like this, and I while I'm pretty sure either Glenn or Daryl get it, I thought it was a HUGE disappointment to not show us who it was. Like other posters have mentioned, week to week and episode to episode I've been emotionally invested to some degree in each character. Come October, I doubt I'll really care anymore. When we finally find out who it was it'll probably be a 'Yeah, that's what I thought' moment. To show the character death after Negan's ####ing awesome introduction would have been the perfect way to end off the season, and to roll out the carpet for Negan and his men. I don't think the group has come across an enemy even remotely close to these guys before, and it's like they got robbed of their moment of killing a beloved character in the finale because this shows writers are too obsessed with drawing things out and extending the suspense. At this point, it's supremely annoying. Anyway, my favourite parts of the episode were:

1. Negan. Holy ####, JDM actually managed to make Negan likable in my eyes. Awesome casting choice, IMO. When he told Rick and the group that they would definitely be entering pee-pants city, I actually laughed. “You killed a lot of my people. More than I’m comfortable with.”, just awesome.
2. I loved the road blocks the team kept running into on the way to Hilltop. Each one bigger, with more guys than before. The Saviors were totally just toying with Rick et al, and it was refreshing to see Rick start to lose some of that haughtiness that he's had all season and really start to doubt himself.
3. For some reason, the scene where the walker was coming through the field toward the camper was pretty poignant to me. The way Carl saw it, stared at it for a moment then looked away. As if remembering how different things were when the group was only scared of the walkers, and now they barely notice them.
4. The level of emotion everyone had at the end, especially Rick. He was so close to losing it, finally. I think it's the first time we've ever seen him like that, like he knew he had failed and #### was about to get real.

The things I didn't like:
1. The commercials. I had this episode PVR'd as I couldn't watch it on Sunday, and was still annoyed at the amount of commercials. I can't even imagine watching it live. AMC is just brutal for this. I read a pretty spot on blurb regarding this:

The finale is ninety minutes, which has nothing to do with the needs of the story—which could be served in a tight thirty minutes—and everything to do with selling more ad space. Television (and movies) is a business, but creative decisions ought to start in the writers’ room, not the boardroom. This episode is burdened by the demands of the C suite, and as a result, it’s horrendous.

2. The Carol/Morgan story line. Just don't care at all. Which is sad, because Carol was my absolute favourite character about a month ago. Now I wouldn't really care if she or Morgan die.
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