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Old 03-18-2016, 04:17 PM   #62
Cecil Terwilliger
That Crazy Guy at the Bus Stop
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Springfield Penitentiary

Originally Posted by EldrickOnIce View Post
That area of Verdun isn't the greatest, but you'll be safe enough for sure.
For bus from airport, first stop is Lionel Groulx metro, so off there and onto green line toward Agrignon and you are only a couple stops from de l'Eglise. As for luggage, I've seen people dragging 3 big pieces onto the metro, so your definitely good. BTW, I'm pretty sure you can get 3 day unlimited passes for $25 - but you probably knew that already.

You sound like you hit all the highs last time around, in downtown anyway. I'll try to put a bit of a list together of pubs/eateries I love that are fabulous, cheap and fun vs fine (with access close to metro), as well as a few sights that may fit your description.
I really admire 6 day solo trips. I love that kind of thing. I'll get back to you.
Cool thank you very much.

I am familiar enough with metro from last time around, it was all I used, so yeah I was planning on buying a pass once I arrive. Unfortunately they didn't give me the chance to have a pass included in my ticket package this year which is too bad.

Funny story, boy was my first day confusing last year when I went to the metro station in Laval. "What you mean the laval transit authority and the Montreal Metro don't take the same fare tickets?" lol. Who knew they'd be different? I guess I should have. So glad I don't have to worry about two separate fares this time around.
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