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Old 12-18-2015, 11:38 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by ScorchyScorch View Post

I don't fully like how quickly Rey discovered her powers and became adept in using them. Unless she is super, super powerful. She also had never touched a lightsaber before, how could she handle herself in a duel like that? Are we expected to chalk it all up to the Force? Perhaps...but it's a head scratcher. At least Luke had some guidance from Obi-Wan, even though his learning was pretty fast tracked too. I guess Kylo was somewhat of an amateur still as well.
I think it's obvious Rey is super powerful or at least unusually gifted. Sounds like a Skywalker, but I'm thinking maybe Kenobi would be more fitting.

As for Kylo, there's nothing to indicate he's much of a swordsman, while Rey is shown to be an experienced close combat fighter. Plus she's shown to be more powerful than Kylo in the Force in the interrogation scene. Kylo has training, sure, but experience beats training 9 times out of 10. Lot of the skills in close combat are not dependent of the weapon either. (Distance, timing, footwork, reading the opponent.)

I really liked the fact that Kylo is something new in the series.
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