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Old 12-18-2015, 01:51 AM   #35
Scoring Winger
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Join Date: Apr 2015

Okay! Time to dish my thoughts.

*reminder - this is the SPOILER thread*

I don't get the "felt too much like A New Hope" comments. I get the similarities, but they weren't really that blatant. I still 100% felt like I was watching something new. I mean these were brand new, VERY different characters, the antagonists are nothing like Darth/Sidious, and Finn and Rey are very much their own as well. New planets, new droid companion. Some recycled, but it really did not bother me in the slightest.

The big Solo scene was pretty emotional, not going to lie (blah bah, just like Obi-Wan's in ANH, yes we know). But IMO I felt it was acted a little over dramatically on Ford's part and that moment was kind of drawn out. It should've been a quicker "disposal", as if to almost NOT give Solo the respect he deserves, which would've made it all the more shocking and enraging. It does set Kylo apart in terms of his brutality, as even Vader wouldn't often do so to an unarmed enemy. And that was family, too.

One critic did say that much of the second half of the film felt like it came straight off of cue cards, which I kind of agree with. Definitely some unneeded exposition, like Poe's "as long as we do this before the sun sets!.." which was unnecessary. Not a huge complaint but a lot of it was too convenient to be believable. Finn crash landing within walking distance of Rey and BB-8. Millenium Falcon happening to be sitting there (although the "what? that garbage?" was absolutely hilarious), them flying straight into Solo 10 minutes after escaping. It felt like intentionally planted dominoes set up, like we were being walked through a planned route of SW exhibits or something.

Other things that bugged me. How did Hux find Kylo before the planet exploded? The heroes barely made it out in time. Did he even bother? I get the cliffhanger thing, but at least don't leave a gaping hole like that. If Kylo is magically fine and safe the next time we see him then it'll be a bit irritating seeing as there's no way Hux could've located him in time, so how could he get out? Also how did Kylo get ahead of Rey and Finn in the forest, practically already waiting for them, when he was far behind them minutes before? I mean it's seemingly minor things to be picky about, but at least keep the timing of things semi-believable.

Snoke looked awfully CGI'd, unfortunately, but then we saw it was just a hologram. Hopefully he looks glorious in person. Is he going to be that massive? That's pretty crazy. Any people feeling that he is in fact Darth Plagueis under a new title? That was never revealed. What is his origin? Would've been nice to know.

I felt that Poe was underused as he was probably the most charismatic of the leads. Already like him a lot! Han and Chewie had the best chemistry between all the characters, not surprisingly, though Finn and Rey seemed completely natural themselves.

Did Luke have to be standing on the edge of the cliff as if waiting that whole time? They should've had him cooped up in a cave or something, I think it would've been cooler. NONETHELESS, epic, epic final moment. Again, stupid question, but why would they send Rey, this newcomer they hardly know, to go after Luke, and not Leia herself, or someone with ties to him (that they're aware of)? Seems odd.

I don't fully like how quickly Rey discovered her powers and became adept in using them. Unless she is super, super powerful. She also had never touched a lightsaber before, how could she handle herself in a duel like that? Are we expected to chalk it all up to the Force? Perhaps...but it's a head scratcher. At least Luke had some guidance from Obi-Wan, even though his learning was pretty fast tracked too. I guess Kylo was somewhat of an amateur still as well.

AWESOME interesting fact: The stormtrooper guarding Rey who says "I'll tighten those restraints, you scavenger scum" and proceeds to be mind tricked = Daniel Craig!

All these things aside, I liked a lot of it. I liked the overall feel and aesthetic. It looked and felt like Star Wars. So it's not like I thought it was anywhere near terrible. Although a lot of little things bugged me for whatever reason.

Also anyone else think Rey and Kylo are cousins?

Last edited by ScorchyScorch; 12-18-2015 at 02:13 AM.
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