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Old 09-01-2015, 06:54 AM   #81
Has lived the dream!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Where I lay my head is home...

Heh, I interpretted completely different, though I see I was wrong. I was going back and forth on exactly who's leg that was. Was it Bedelia's? Or had she actually becoming like Hannibal and was now eating others.

And if it was her own leg (which I figured out when seeing it again, I was having trouble with the lighting and perspective on the seat cushion shot), I had a different theory on why she might have done it. Because she loved him in the same sick way Will did, and this was a way to be near him/remember him. As well, she takes charge of the situation that scared her so long, by doing it of her own choice. Much the sane way abused people sometimes get into bdsm to retake parts of their life that were messed up.
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