Thread: Fallout 4
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Old 06-04-2015, 06:29 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Blaster86 View Post
You are correct, the first two and New Vegas had that levity to them. But I think that's what Fallout 3 intentionally stayed away from. Fallout 3 approached the series to show you a place that saw more nukes than anywhere else. They wanted their stamp to be something totally different from the originals. A more bleak and depressing start with a more hopeful outcome.
Which is fine and all, but it's not a Fallout game. The whole point of Fallout was its atmosphere, juxtaposing utter ruin and horror with a sarcastic, funny, faux-50s-"this is what silly people 40+ years ago might think a nuclear apocalypse would have looked like" tone to it. It was fun, and still managed to have all the intensity needed to provide for consequences that felt real.

Fallout 3 was just a totally different post apocalyptic game. It only bore resemblance to F1 and F2 in so far as it ostensibly took place in the same world (there's still a BOS and an Enclave and Super Mutants and Deathclaws). But those similarities were extremely shallow and were often a stretch; playing that game often felt like watching Phantom Menace and AOTC where they tried to shoehorn in as many references to the original Star Wars trilogy as possible. Beyond that shallow similarity, "Elder Scrolls with guns" continues to be the best descriptor of that game. Which, if you like Elder Scrolls games (which I played as a kid too, had well over 100 hours into Daggerfall which was easy to do) you're just fine with. But for people who loved the originals, the reboot felt like being cheated. Could have been much more.
Originally Posted by To Be Quite Honest View Post
If you want something closer to the first two fallout games then look no further to - Wasteland 2
Yeah I'm going to have to play this; this looks amazing. The quotes at the end are all that's really needed to convince me.
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