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Old 04-05-2015, 01:30 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by polak View Post
Why is the total % burrowed so important?

If I am able to hypothetically scrape up 500K and put that towards a million dollar home, am i some how better off than someone who only put down 5% on a 250K home?

I think the only thing that matters is how the debt is structured vs. the income of the home owner. If you make 2 or 3 times your mortgage payment in a month (for a normal term mortgage of course) but for some reason can't currently save your suggested down payment, you shouldn't buy a home?

Genuinely interested in opinions here as this is the position I am in. I can comfortably afford the mortgage I'm looking to get in to but i dont have the luxury of time to save up a hefty down payment. Even if you ignore the ridiculously low interest rates, I don't feel like I'm some how making a poor financial decision.
If you are someone who can "hypothetically scrape" up 500k for a down payment, you have already signaled yourself as someone with high saving discipline, and a decent income over someone who can barely get $12,500 together.
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