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Old 01-28-2015, 01:50 PM   #214
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Originally Posted by Derek Sutton View Post
I agree with pretty much all of this, however any coach who pulls out a rule book deserves an immiediate game ejection. I have never had a coach pull one out on me, and hopefully never will. Coaches should be focused on coaching, yelling at the Ref will not get your team anywhere, and most decent coaches know this. Refs also should not be expected to justify EVERY call to a team as some coaches expect, some coaches are ridiculous this way, it is not a debate contest it is a hockey game.

Having controll of the game is so much more then making the calls, it is about posititve interactions and respecting the players and coaches and enjoying what you are doing. So many Refs act as if they are shift supervisors at a Wal Mart on a power trip and it is embarassing. Anyways reffing in minor hockey can be debated till the cows come home.
I agree for sure, I only remember my buddy bringing out the rule book once. And it was because the ref was consistently penalizing us for a particular call (can't remember what) that wasn't a penalty. And when you tell us it's not in the book when it is... well it just shows you don't know what you're talking about. Ejection for wanting the rules to be called properly? That right there is exactly what I'm talking about. The conversation is always calm until the Ref is in the wrong and then it's like the Family Guy Donkey:

"Nope nope, Kevin Bacon was not in Footloose. Nope Nope NOPE NOPE NOPE HEEHAWWWW HEEEHAWWW"

We had one guy calling 4-min headshots for almost any hit. Miss a few fine, but by the end of the game almost every penalty was headshot (for both teams) and 100% of those were 4 mins. The rule is 4 min for intentional headshots. Conversation was this:

"Ref, isn't it only 4 if it's intentional?"
"Call is 4 mins"
"Every call has been 4 min"
"That's the rule"
"Only if it's intentional. Are you saying every hit in this game has been an intentional headshot?"
*begins skating away with a s***-eating grin and no more conversation. And strong urge to literally throw the rule book at him is all-consuming.

Kids at lower levels make mistakes. We would regularly have 1 of about 5 or 6 guys, I would say 2 of them were decent, with others not being just bad but real-life aholes where the game is about them. What type of a grown man tells a respectful 14 year old to eff off? That shouldn't be tolerated whatsoever. If we or a player said that to him it would be a suspension for abuse of officials.

The worst part is Hockey Calgary will hear no wrong about their officials.

/Ref rant.
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