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Old 01-05-2015, 04:12 PM   #22
The new goggles also do nothing.
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Originally Posted by Bobblehead View Post
The headline is a bit misleading, since in the article Netflix actually says, 'After users reported that their VPN connections were being blocked by Netflix, the company issued a statement saying that there was “no change” in the way it handles such connections, instead saying that it had always blocked VPNs when it could, and continued to do so.

“Netflix simply uses industry standard methods to prevent illegal VPN use,” the company said.'

So they may have simply changed something in their methodology which is now able to identify VPN use.
Or the normal things they do just happened to catch a few more users than usual, or this time the users were more vocal and it made it into media where normally it doesn't.

Either way the title seems accurate in that it's not a crackdown, a crackdown would be them increasing their efforts significantly.
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