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Old 11-05-2014, 05:15 AM   #2207
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Originally Posted by Daradon View Post
I agree with a matter of time, I agree it's something we should be doing more about. But in a space age, a few hundred years isn't even a thing. We've existed a million years, we can surely exist 100 more.
Odd are yes, still for me doesn't change the urgency, but maybe my urgency is being understood, I see 100 years reasonable to have a nearly self sustaining colony on another off world site. 200 would be my less optimistic, and 300-500 years before a serious off world colony exists, self sustaining.

Then of course there is the need for a way to travel outside our solar system, we need to eventually get outside and far from here to solidify our future existence.

Unless you have a specific asteroid you are worried about, this seems more like fear and jealousy, than any real statistical concern.
Until we get a system of early detectors further out, we have a very large blind spot because of the sun which means we are vulnerable in a big way. Again when I say its a matter of time, I mean in big numbers here, but that does not change the fact it could still happen in the next 100 years, but could just as easily be something in the far future when we will hopefully be technologically advanced to deflect them.

But human advancement doesn't turn on a dime. It takes what we know as lifetimes.
And in a cosmic sense, that's very fast.

As I said, in the last two hundred years we've crushed the knowledge we had of the past 6000. We can take another 200 to get a real foothold in space.

It's sucks you and I probably won't see it. But maybe we can contribute?
The pace of technology is rapid, what we will discover and innovate in the next 100 years will make all previous human achievement in technology seem so slow. The will of humans is the problem, and is why we will take the next 100-500 years to get a strong human foothold in our solar system.

But I am truly excited by SpaceX and people like Elon Musk who have the vision and resources to start pushing this agenda with the resources and money to put a serious dent in getting this going.
Allskonar fyrir Aumingja!!
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