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Old 10-20-2014, 08:09 AM   #11
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Jan 2011

Originally Posted by Ozy_Flame View Post
I don't think it's a stupid comment. If he's receiving complaints from tenants about unethical landlords, why can't he say anything? He's not painting all landlords with the same brush. If anything, someone in his position can get the public talking about it.

No harm done, IMO.
I don't think any harm has been done - but I didn't think mayors were supposed to be making off the cuff comments on anecdotal evidence.

“Figure out a way that you can continue to provide housing and get a decent return without gouging your tenants,” he suggested to landlords. “And there’s been way too much of that happening.”
He does realize these people (landlords) are in it for profit? And where opportunity exists they'll capitalize. It's also a reflection of housing prices (whether too high or not). If I'm spending $350-$500k on a condo unit to SFH I'm going to rent it out for as high as I can.

If buddy down the street bought his comparable property for half 10 years ago should buddy rent it out for half? Or any less than the other person?

Facilitate the building of more condos, allow secondary suites (if that's your idea of a solution), etc.
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