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Old 07-25-2014, 11:01 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Eric Vail View Post
I have a condo I want to sell this fall, and I have a couple good potential buyers.

Before listing with a realtor, I'd like to pursue these and potentially close the deal and save that cost. Is it difficult to close a deal without a realtor? It just seems crazy to pay someone 7% + 3% if I have already done the hard part and found the buyer.
I've sold real estate both ways. If you already have a buyer, I wouldn't pay the 7/3 for closing. You should be able to get a reasonable form contract very similar to/identical to the real estate board one pretty easily. You could also offer to pay a service fee for a realtor to work through the process with you, if it's all negotiated and just needs to have paper put to the deal.
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