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Old 06-12-2014, 01:07 PM   #28
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by HockeyIlliterate View Post
Who says that the "right home" has to "come[] with debt"?
I suppose you're right, but typically, buying a home comes with debt.

My point though, as it's been this whole time, is that it's important to weigh the quality of life you're gaining with the right house, vs the impact that the associated debt (or lack there of) will have.

Blanket statemetns like "Debt restricts options and choices" aren't always true, as taking on a mortgage may offer/open other options and choices that are worth much more than the restrictions that a mortgage comes with. And thus you're advice to avoid debt, is pretty one sided.

In my case, taking on debt has freed up a ton of time (reduced commute) freed up some cash (less gas/transportation, which offsets some of the mortgage), and brings me a lot closer to several friends and activities that I enjoy (inceased qualtiy of life). I could have avoided debt by staying in the burbs, but the trade off for me was worth so much more than the financial restrictions I now have.
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Last edited by Bring_Back_Shantz; 06-12-2014 at 01:10 PM.
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