Thread: S.h.i.e.l.d.
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Old 04-23-2014, 07:29 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by CaptainCrunch View Post
He didn't fool the lie detector test though, he was off the charts. Patton asked a really stupid question that Ward could answer truthfully. He was clearly a master of all of this because he infiltrated and sucked in the unit from the very smart. He had no emotional attachment to them from the beginning. He was sent to get in with Coulson from the very start.
I know there's technically a reason for it. It's just that Ward is now essentially super at everything without a really good reason for it. That's what makes me groan. I'm not buying the character anymore. Plus the fact that the actor is SO BAD. As long as he was playing this kind of awkward socially inept guy, it was okay. But now that he's supposed to be a super infiltrator? Just doesn't work for me.

If he turns out as a villian which it seems to be, I doubt that they kill him. He's a lot like Shaw in Chuck who was killed twice and kept coming back for vengence
Yeah. I hope they at least fade him out for a bit. But I can totally see him being this übersuper evil agent who will keep bugging our heroes at least for another season or two, after which there's a big showdown where he dies, after he has redeemed himself somewhat. Or something like that.

Most of Shields leadership has been cleared out, you've got two level 8 operatives going against the junior varsity, and beyond that, they basically got inside by convincing the staff that they were good guys, then back shot them. It does make sense to me.
Before the last episodes I felt it was well established lore that Shield guards a) are really strict with protocol b) have no qualms about shooting at other Shield agents if that's their orders. And that's under normal circumstances. The Fridge guards being ready to not just let them inside but immediately turn their backs on them seemed off to me.

Just compare those guys with the guards in the Tahiti episode. Tahiti guards seemed like actual guards, who actually stuck with their protocols. Plus they were actually genuinely dangerous (for a couple of unnamed mooks). It was cool and unusual.

I would have really appreciated if they had stuck with that tone and put some effort into making the Fridge security look more serious. It's a small thing, but it just again added to my feeling that everything has been kind of off lately.

(For example, have them let Ward in but try immediately disarm him. Ward could have done his supersoldier thing and we'd be well within established bounds. There was no need to make the guards stupid.)

That was a pretty significant mcguffin. Who needs fame and fortune when you have the ability to impose a new world order and your part of that new world order and you have access to untouchable tech and artifacts.
Again, it's not so much what happened that bothered me, but the way it was written. Quinn was just too quick to be happy about the turn of events. What I like about Quinn is that he's not an insane evil mastermind type, rather just someone with a lot of money, little morals and a lot of arrogance. His first rant seemed like Quinn. Completely forgetting his problems didn't seem like Quinn, to me at least.

Why wouldn't it make sense, Hydra wasn't destroyed at the end of Captain America 1, Red Skill was gone. Armin Zola was basically recruiting into Shield and created the Algorithms that because the Clairvoyant iirc.
An organization with completely opposite goals hiding within another organization that's specifically set up to find the kind of organizations that's hiding inside it? And it goes on for decades without anyone catching on? It's rather fantastic even on the Marvel scale if you ask me

Patton was great, he was onto Ward until he asked the one question that Ward could answer with the truth. That's why you don't ask open ended questions with Lie Detectors.
Patton had to be trained to use that thing, so why the heck would he do something that stupid? Why even write a super lie detector into the series and then at the very first instance have it fail at the one thing it was supposed to do? Technology has generally been pretty powerful in this series, having it fail in such a crucial was just one more thing that was just off for me.

Again, they could have written it better. Have Patton relax a bit after the Skye question, but not let up completely. Then have Ward use his injuries as an excuse to get out of it. Then have Ward kill Patton. Everything is the same, except we don't need to force Patton to be stupid and the lie detector be a worthless piece of crap.

To me it seemed like they just really really wanted a scene where Ward beats a lie detector by telling them he's there for Skye, even if everything else about the scene is stupid.

That line of thought generally describes my problems with watching the series lately. The story is just such a mess right now IMO, and there are so many scenes that seem to conflict with what has been established. I'm just constantly being pulled out of it.

It's not the kind of series that stands up to logic very well, which is why creating and sticking with the lore and characters is important. Lose that coherence, and you lose me.

Acker is always hot. Even when she was scarred up in Dollhouse.
That too. Plus she can act that part.
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