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Old 04-11-2014, 08:00 PM   #17
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Apr 2003

Coaches Comments:

- On week of preparation: Rested on Sunday/Monday. Casual practice day moving the puck, Wednesday was good, yesterday was just okay. Little healthier then a week ago. Things got accomplished this week.

- On wins against Rockford: Played only opportunistic. Got goals, but didn't play that great. Could have done better.

- On Baertschi: Made some strides. Needs to mature more as a man and day to day things. Based on size and skating, he needs to develop more. His hard consistency day to day, he still needs to work hard and develop. Scoring goals is better then not scoring at all. He's going in the right direction. His defensive game is getting better. His positioning is okay, but his awareness isn't great defensively. He needs to mature, young player used to having the puck and being go-to guy, he needs to learn what to do when he isn't that player on the team.

- On making playoffs and roster up to playoffs: Has to get the prospect guys in the lineup before the playoffs. Needs to get the hard working players in the lineup too (non-drafted guys). Becoming difficult to find spots for guys. Many will not make the road-trip.

- On Barons: Have been scoring goals of late. Horak has been a great offensive player as well as Stretch. Know they will be threats on the ice. They are a much better team then they faced in December. Figures it will be two different games as Edmonton finishes their season Saturday and expect to see Lander and other players sent to OKC and put in the lineup for the Sunday game.

On Klimchuk: Loves the game, loves the special teams. Is excited to play.
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