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Old 03-01-2014, 12:00 PM   #41
Crash and Bang Winger
Join Date: Oct 2012

Originally Posted by Super-Rye View Post
The girlfriend and I just purchased a place.

I had heard stories from friends and co-workers who recently went through the whole process and they were telling me that they lost out on some places they liked because they waited a day to think about it. The girlfriend and I went in prepared to put an offer on a house that we liked right away.

Day 1 we saw 3 houses, 1 of which we fell in love with. Went to write up an offer right away only to be informed that the house was sold hours before.

For the next few days we looked at some nice houses that weren't for us, and some beat up houses that didn't look like anyone would want.

Eventually we got an email about a house that has just been put on the market. We set up a viewing for the next morning and put in an offer just after lunch. The house was conditionally sold to us later that night which is very fortunate because since then only a few houses in our price range (in the area's we are looking at) have been released and they're not nearly as nice as the one we purchased.

It's a crazy market out there.
May be I am wrong. But, I think canadian housing market is over value and thats what exactly reports from IMF says..
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