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Old 11-11-2013, 07:37 PM   #1096
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by J Diddy View Post
What exactly is the problem? Slow speeds or poor signal? Is the Wifi poor on all devices? Phone, Tablet and computer? Phones & Ipad

I don't recommend the Telus Actiontec as a wireless didn't work well for me. I turned off the wireless on it and use my own ASUS wireless router for Wifi, which has been excellent.

Is the Wifi poor when you are standing right next to the router? seems to be ok

- Look for possible interference it sitting in or nearby your electrical panel? if so can it be moved?cits placed by my tv and home theatre system, my phone jack is on one end of my bonus room and my tv is on the other. I couldn't run my HDMI cable that far so I chose to run the phone line

- You could put the router on a different channel than the surrounding Wifi signals. You can use inssider to find the best channel

- How many walls and floors are between you (with your device) and the router? Can you reduce that number to improve the location you use the wifi in the most? Router is in my bonus room upstairs

- If the router is in the basement can you get it as close to the ceiling as possible? its in my 2nd floor bonus room

What internet package do you have? When I went to Internet 50 I had nothing but issues. TV would act up and download speeds would be unpredictable. This was likely due to an issue with the line in the ground between me and Telus. I went back to the 25 package and everything has been stable.Internet 15 package
see above
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