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Old 10-29-2013, 09:45 AM   #32
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Aug 2004

Shadow of the Colossus - I think it's the fourth or fifth Colossus you fight, it's a giant bird - it swoops down at you and you jump on and are taken up into the sky, particle effects flying past you, epic music ramping up as your character barely hangs on and this giant bird tries to shake you off. Really re-defined what I expect from games from an experiential standpoint.

Star Fox 64 - When I FINALLY completed my one and only run on the 'Hard' path way back in the day. Probably beat that game 100 times but only once on the hard path.

The Last of Us - The final scene running with Ellie through the hospital, calling back to the game's introduction. Just a rare, emotional moment that game's rarely achieve, particularly in playable scenes.

Elite Beat Agents - Beating it on very hard. Probably attempted it 200 times and almost threw my DS across the room in victory when I made it.

Journey - All of it -- the first time you play through that game just do the whole thing start to finish. An experience.

LittleBigPlanet 2 - playing this for the first time with my girlfriend (who is now my wife). She didn't like video games and didn't play them until I introduced her to LBP - just the simplicity and the fun and seeing someone experience games like how I used to when I didn't care about story or graphics and just having fun -- it was a blast and now we play games together all the time.

There's LOTS more for me, particularly from old school stuff, then I could ever possibly list. Those are some that stick out from more recent memory.
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