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Old 08-27-2013, 04:12 PM   #254
Badgers Nose
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Originally Posted by MaDMaN_26 View Post
Ya the lack of OS update is one of my major peeves... not being able to use my phone in my home that is well within the city limits is a bigger one, but it seems as though these other carriers have decided that a great way to force consumers to upgrade or buy new phones is to never ever update the one they sold us last year. Not only is it complete B.S. that a perfectly good phone is rendered "old" because they don't see any money in providing updates but there are security holes and flaws that are left undealt with as well... all so they can say "Telus" on the screen when I boot up the phone, in case I forgot who I bought it from and pay every month :\

Isn't there a new Nexus on the horizon? maybe I'd be better off waiting for that... paying off my S3 right now is going to be about ~$300 and then the nexus 4 another ~$300... I figured if I could use my S3 then probably worth it... buuut.... hmm.
Just stick it in CP Marketplace or kijiji as a "WTT Galaxy S3 for Nexus 4"

I sell/trade everything I don't like or want this way.
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