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Old 08-26-2013, 11:34 AM   #245
Lifetime Suspension
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Join Date: Oct 2001

Originally Posted by MaDMaN_26 View Post
Any of you live in Deer Run? Is the coverage any better there than the big 3? (It can't be worse. I have one bar on a good day and have to stand in a certain part of my house to make calls, thats with Bell and Telus - I have had both. A friend couldn't use her rogers phone at my place. A co-worked lives in my area and has no cell phone service in his home at all - he's Telus, but also has tried Bell)
Just a heads up, when it comes to cell coverage Telus and Bell are effectively the same since they share cell towers.

Anywho, I would strongly consider Wind for you, especially in Deer Run. Wind has a cell tower just east of Bow Bottom tr, just south of Deer Run St Se. If you look at the coverage map Wind is the only thing near you in the immediate area. The nearest Telus/Bell or Rogers towers are north of you at Canyon Meadows dr and even then Wind has another tower south of that closest to you.

Try to check it out first though, get a hold of a Wind sim card from a friend and see how it works.
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